

Web development:
A platypus strapped to an
Aardvark in estrus.

Hey there!

Welcome to the official website of Bike to the Earth. We're happy that you decided to drop by, and we're super-excited to hear more from you as we prepare for this ambitious journey. I'm Evan Stratford, and I'm here to say a short bit about the site.

A major part of this process is being able to share it with others; that's why we built this website. Take a second to check out some of the features:

As we start taking pictures and videos of the training process, we'll be moving quickly to make those available both here and on our Flickr/YouTube pages.

Want to know how this site was built? Keep going!


(Don't say I didn't warn you.) If you're still reading, you probably want a peek at our technology stack. Here's a quick overview:

A few more random points:

If your burning inquiry hasn't been answered here, ask! As we said, we're glad to share this process with you; that means everything from physical training to, well, putting in full-day hacking sessions to make this site even more awesome than it already is.