pesto with pesto with pesto and pesto


Late start out of Odense, around 1300 - we had originally hoped to set out around 1130 or so, but ended up waking up at that time instead due to general jet-lag exhaustion, post-hospitality food overdose, and a late night of Gammel Dansk and Danish music. Following advice from Valkyrie's relatives, we abandoned our plan to bike up around via Middelfart and Kolding in favour of a shorter trip over to the Synfynske ferry at Bøjden. This took us across to Als; a short hour along the local scenic highway later, we rolled into Sønderborg. A shorter day, to be sure; nevertheless, we saved enough distance and time by taking the ferry to put ourselves within a couple days' ride of Hamburg - and the ferry ride was picturesque indeed.

We had enough daylight left in Sønderborg to head into town for a combination stroll and grocery store run; a short Kvickly trip later, we were the proud owners of multicolour pasta, pesto, gouda with pesto, and tomatoes. We then promptly employed said ingredients to concoct a pesto-drenched pot full of pasta with pesto with gouda with pesto with tomatoes, which we ate using our titanium sporks. Yum.

We're almost out of Denmark at this point; tomorrow should put us over the border into Germany. Our proximity to the Danish-German border is made clear with every trilingual (Dansk, Deutsch, and English) sign that we pass, and Sønderborg appears to be a fairly popular tourist destination for Germans seeking a quick getaway. We'll make sure to set an alarm so that we wake up at a more reasonable hour!